TheOne Server Monitor Pro is using to monitor the healthiness of servers, such as Unix/Linux (PING/RSH), Web (HTTP/URL), Email (SMTP/POP3/IMAP), Database (MySQL) and Application (FTP / Telnet / DNS/ SNTP-TIME/ NNTP-NEWS/WMI Process Checking) servers. User can customize to monitor any TCP/UDP Port. Server Monitor will notify you by e-mail/SMS/Pager/Syslog/SNMP/Pager if any of your monitored servers or URLs can't be reached (or returns an unexpected response) a number of times.
Supports HTTP/URL, Ping, FTP, Telnet, POP3, SMTP, DNS, IMAP, NNTP, SNTP, RSH, WMI and any other TCP/UDP port you want to monitor.
Requirement :
[Operating System]
Server Monitor Pro supports the below OS :
1.Microsoft Windows XP
2.Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Professional with SP4
3.Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
4.Microsoft Windows Vista
[Hardware Requirement]
Below hardware is required in order to install and run the Server Monitor Pro :
1.PIII processor (or equivalent) and later
2.512MB RAM or above
3.100MB Harddisk available space or above
4.10/100 or wireless LAN card
MySQL database must be installed before installing and running Server Monitor Pro. We support MySQL database with version :
1.5.X or Later